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Wolfram Summer School
23rd Annual Summer School
Waltham, Massachusetts, USA | June 22–July 11, 2025


No. 1 trusted partner of academic institutions, government agencies, NGOs and international non-governmental organizations and business orgs. in their big data analytics, training, research software and Artificial Intelligence (AI) needs

Philippine Consortium Inc. is a registered PHILGEPS Platinum member with a tax clearance certificate for more than 5 years and a recognized industry partner of UP.



The Philippine Consortium is a premiere multi-disciplinary technology company that provides consultancy services, training, and research software needs of academic institution, government agencies, non-governmental orgs., international non-governmental organizations, international orgs, and business orgs.  We are the sole distributor of the following academic and business software NVivo 14, Nvivo 15, Piktochart, Sonia, Eviews, XLStat, Origin Lab, Origin PRO, Citavi, Lumivero software, Nordpass, Decision tools, Sonia, Optical Media Reader EVAL ,Wolfram Mathematica , Reality Defender , Qualtrics and many more).

SONA 2024: Thematic and Content Analysis using Nvivo14.  Pls. send us an email for the complete report or if you have any questions.  Kindly use the suggested reference format when citing this report!
Happy Nvivoing!

Our CEO "Doc Nick"


Philippine Consortium Inc. proudly supports innovative educational initiatives across the Philippines. Together, we empower learners and educators to shape a brighter future.

Green Social Work knowledge and practice in the Philippines! Our simple donation to residential center for children as part of our CSR program!

Philippine Consortium Inc. is dedicated to uplifting disadvantaged families by supporting community sports programs. Together, we create opportunities for growth, teamwork, and hope.

news and updates of academic software.


(In an effort to reduce our impact to environment, please download e-copy of our academic software and AI tools brochure below)


Philippine Consortium for Social Welfare and Human Dev. Research Inc. brochure.

The PCSWHDR is the sole provider and the only recognized training provider of the most advanced and the world's leading software for research, big data analytics, social media, cybersecurity, statistical software, and Artificial Intelligence tools as well as Texas Instruments calculators.


EndNote is a powerful reference management tool that saves you time, keeps you organized, and helps you collaborate effectively while writing and publishing research papers. Trusted by thousands of academic and industry researchers worldwide, EndNote ensures the integrity of your research with built-in tools that enhance quality and accuracy, offering more dedicated support than any other reference management tool.



Multi-Sigma is a no-code AI analysis platform that enables you to make predictions using deep learning and Bayesian analysis, as well as optimize multiple objective variables through genetic algorithms—all without programming, directly from your browser. This platform enhances R&D efficiency by optimizing various inputs, such as material quantity, temperature, and time, while addressing multiple objectives, including quality, cost, and environmental impact, through innovative experimental design methods.



Best Reference Management Software for Writing and Note Taking.

Designed for individuals and teams. Focus on what counts and power up your research with Citavi.


Make every interaction an experience that matters
Our software gives you the tools to ask the right questions, listen to what people need, and respond with the right actions, every time. We call it empathy at scale — others just call it good business.

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Reality Defender

Reality Defender's multi-model and multimodal deepfake detection platform helps enterprises and governments detect AI-generated content at scale.



Probabilistic Risk Analysis in Excel.

From the financial to the scientific, anyone who faces uncertainty in their quantitative analyses can benefit from @RISK.



Complete Risk and Analysis Toolkit in Excel.

The DecisionTools Suite is an integrated set of quantitative data analysis programs that remove uncertainty in decision-making through probabilistic risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulation.



Leverage AI text summarization to explain unfamiliar terms or local idioms, saving you time from searching for answers. Quickly select the text and have NVivo 15 summarize the selection which is then added to the document as an annotation.



No. 1 Best Qualitative, Mixed Method and Social Media Data Analysis Software for Researchers.

NVivo qualitative data analysis software helps to discover richer insights from your qualitative & mixed methods research. Organize, store, and analyze data today!


The ultimate software for graphing and analysis.

Over 500,000 registered users across corporations, universities and government research labs worldwide, rely on Origin to import, graph, explore, analyze and interpret their data.


No. 1 software for Infographic and Social Media Graphic. Your all-in-one visual content maker. Quickly turn any text- or data-heavy content into a stunning report, presentation, infographic, social media graphic, or printable. Piktochart is so simple that you can immediately use it, without trainining.


Best Student Placement & Management Software for Social Work, Education & Health care.

Streamline your student placement programs with Sonia, the world's most widely used student placement and management software. See how Sonia can work for you.

Wolfram Mathematica
ver. 14.2

The world's leading  and most advanced AI tools and software for modern technical computing with more than 6602 built-in functions equivalent to 200,000 pages of books used by ivy league and top universities and organizations.

Ver. 14 is the top AI tool for analyzing super algorithm and it significantly expand its computational language domain. 

Wolfram Mathematica

The world's definitive system for modern technical computing.

For three decades, Mathematica has defined the state of the art in technical computing—and provided the principal computation environment for millions of innovators, educators, students and others around the world.

EVAL Optical Mark Reader

EVAL Optical Mark Reader is the leading and state of the art Optical Mark Reader for capturing and analyzing data from plain paper with 100% accurate results and speed.  Best suited for quick and accurate evaluation of sheets such as tests, assessments, surveys, and filled forms.   


Best password management system in the world.

World's most trusted password manager. 

Secure your digital life with NordPass. 

Generate strong password. Detect weak password. Put biometrics to use and get real-time breach alerts. 


Quantitative Data Analysis and Statistical Solution for Excel.

Advance your analyses with XLSTAT's 250+ powerful features that help you explore, visualize, and model quantitative data - all within Excel!



Innovative Solutions for Economic

Analysis, Forecasting & Simulation.

EViews offers financial institutions, corporations, government agencies, and academics access to powerful statistical, time series, forecasting, and modeling tools through an innovative, easy-to-use object-oriented interface.

Scientific Calculator by Texas Instruments

Exam acceptance
The TI-36X Pro scientific calculator is approved for use on SAT®, ACT®, and AP® exams.

Ideal for: Algebra I and II. Geometry
Trigonometry, Statistics, Calculus. Biology
Chemistry, Physics, Computer science
College math, College science
College engineering.

Financial Calculator by Texas Instruments

Exam acceptance 
The BA II Plus™ Professional calculator is approved for use on the following professional exams:
– Chartered Financial Analyst®* exam
– GARP® Financial Risk Manager (FRM) exam

Ideal for: Finance, Accounting
Economics, Investment. Statistics
Other business classes.



9Q Luxury Symphony Tower II,

Sgt. Esguerra, Quezon City,






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